Without question, Charlotte Haymore will soon join the ranks of the Nation’s top Speakers, who are in high demand for conference appearances. Charlotte has mastered the fine art of delivery that engages her audience from the moment she utters the first words of her presentation until her last thought-provoking comment.
Over the years, having experienced Charlotte as a speaker at several events, it is impressive to see the tremendous growth in her level of passion and in her ability to so fully communicate with an audience. She is a rising star in the industry whose spark and endearing spirit will touch and inspire those who are fortunate to hear her.
Gloria M. HerbertAssociate Publisher/Editor, Black Meetings & Tourism
It is my pleasure to call Charlotte Haymore a friend and colleague. She is a captivating speaker that draws your attention to the message. She has the ability to motivate an audience of all sizes and at the same time make you feel that you are the only person in the room.
Roy JaySenior President / Joint Venture, Aramark / Giacometti Partners and Roy Jay Enterprises
A consummate professional and gentle lady with a pleasant disposition, an articulate speaker, great leader and a good listener are just few of the many qualities of this dynamo of a lady, Charlotte Haymore.
Ruth E. GardinerAssociate Professor, Hospitality & Tourism Studies, The College of The Bahamas